6 Phase Return to Fitness
postpartum exercise program
return to exercise safely & effectively
Are you a postpartum mama looking to safely and effectively return to fitness? Are you sick of the 6-week “get your body back” or “weight loss” programs, and looking for something that will actually help you prioritize gaining your strength back while keeping your core and pelvic floor health in mind? Then, this is for you!
6 Phase Postpartum Program
Phases, Not Weeks
A Program structured in “weeks” can not only be overwhelming, it might not be the right pace for you and your individual needs.
We want you to be able to move through the phases at your pace. If you feel like you need more time in a specific phase, you can spend more than one week there. If you feel good and want to move through phases 1 week at a time, go for it!
Learn more about what’s included below or get started now!

The Program
What's Included?
6 Phases of Exercise Designed to Progress you Back to Fitness
As moms ourselves, we realized that there is a huge need for a program specifically designed to guide us safely and effectively back to working out. Developed by Cara Forrester, who has a Master’s in Sports Conditioning & Performance, specializing in Postpartum return to fitness and the experts at The MINT Prjct, this program is like no other out there and is designed to progress you back to strength training and conditioning style workouts smoothly, safely, and at your own pace, with access to our experts the whole way.
- Phase 1: Science & Strategy
You’ll learn proper breathing, posture and positioning strategies to protect & strengthen your core and pelvic floor - Phase 2: Supported Movement
Focusing on breathing through movements starting with bodyweight exercises and moving into light weights. - Phase 3: Strength
Start adding more weight to your exercises and performing barbell movements - Phase 4: Speed
Add speed to your weighted exercises. - Phase 5: Sport
Work on exercises used in sport like jumping and running. - Phase 6: Sustainable Physical Activity
Progress into this phase to complete the final phase of returning to postpartum fitness!
Professional Guidance & Support
This program includes professional demonstration videos as well as access to our MINT Mamas Facebook group where you’ll have access to our experts for questions and guidance.
The Program
Who is this for?
This program is designed for anyone looking to return to training similar to the following:
- Strength training / bodybuilding style training
- Strength & conditioning
- Functional fitness
- CrossFit
This program will progress you from Phase 1 where you’ll recover, heal, and reconnect to your core all the way to the last Phase where you’ll be ready to pick up the heavier weights again, start running/jumping, and feeling like you’re back in your routine!
Check out the sample workout from Phase 3, where we’ve built back our strength and core connection and progressed to full body strength training, on the right!*
*You should always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program. We don’t recommend starting the light movements in Phase 1 until at least 2-3 weeks postpartum and do not recommend starting the conditioning until after you’ve been cleared at your 6 week appointment.

Equipment List
- Barbell + plates (note we do program several barbell movements, but these can also be done with dumbbells or kettlebells)
- Dumbbells (light and heavy for you would be ideal as the program progresses to heavier weights over time)
- Kettlebell (could substitute dumbbells if needed)
- Long resistance bands
- Mini band (booty band)
- Cardio option (bike, rower, treadmill, sled, etc)
- Medicine ball / wall ball
- Bench
- Box
This program was great for me, because I needed some thing to gradually get me back into exercise safely after giving birth. Without this program, I probably would have done too much too soon. The workouts are quick enough to get back to baby without feeling like I’ve taken too long, but at the same time they get the job done. With the heavy emphasis on breathing, I can feel that my core is recovering. I also love that the workout descriptions have notes that tell you what to do with your feeling pain or discomfort in any part of the exercise, this made me feel like they really are paying attention and care about what my body has gone through! Thank you for creating this!
I have nothing but great things to say about Cara and the work she does as a personal trainer! After having my daughter, I decided to complete her 6-phase postpartum program. During the 6 phases, she paid close attention to what my body needed/could do and took the time to make the necessary adjustments to my training. Since completing the program, Cara has helped me gain my strength back and has also helped significantly decrease my lower back pain. Cara is an amazing trainer and I am excited to continue my fitness journey with her!
Cara is such a phenomenal coach and has helped me in so many ways! She helped me set goals, cheered me on on rough days and worked with me to achieve them. She showed me that I can do hard things and that my body is a lot stronger than I thought it was. It felt so good just to be moving again and doing something for myself who would’ve thought that just getting out and being active could help me mentally. Not once did I ever feel judged or like I didn’t belong. Cara made me feel 100% comfortable. I now have the confidence to be in a [gym] class setting and feel like I know what I’m doing and what form I should be having so that I don’t injure myself. I’m grateful to Cara for giving me a part of my life back that I thought I’d lost.

Our Story
The MINT Prjct
We are fellow moms, gym owners, and trainers who are on a mission to close the gap between healthcare and fitness that causes unnecessary confusion for pregnant and postpartum women in fitness.
Our mission is to elevate trainers into professionals who specialize in supporting and guiding pregnant and postpartum women to heal, grow and be the happiest version of themselves. Our program provides an interactive educational experience with ongoing support. We bridge the gap between healthcare & fitness making exercise for pregnant and postpartum women safe, effective and attainable.
Make sure to follow us on social for the most up to date content and launch information!

Our Story
The MINT Prjct
We are fellow moms, gym owners, and trainers who are on a mission to close the gap between healthcare and fitness that causes unnecessary confusion for pregnant and postpartum women in fitness.
Our mission is to elevate trainers into professionals who specialize in supporting and guiding pregnant and postpartum women to heal, grow and be the happiest version of themselves. Our program provides an interactive educational experience with ongoing support. We bridge the gap between healthcare & fitness making exercise for pregnant and postpartum women safe, effective and attainable.
Make sure to follow us on social for the most up to date content and launch information!