8 Exercises for the First 6 Weeks Postpartum

Hey, Mama! Early postpartum is a time for healing, recovery, and rest, and we always recommend getting cleared by your doctor before any exercise, but there are some recuperative movements you can likely incorporate in the first 6 weeks postpartum along with walking if you’re feeling up to some light movement. These are from phase […]
Ode to Zoloft

by Betsy Jones My baby boy was 4 months old (after being born 6 weeks early and a scary NICU stay that made us unexpectedly freaked out about “germs”) when the COVID shut down happened. We’d already had a very rocky start, which you can hear about on the podcast. We were just starting to […]
C-Section Survival Guide

A few weeks ago I was catching up with a cousin of mine who is about 6 months postpartum. She had an emergency c-section with her third baby and I was asking her how her recovery was going. I was taken aback when she said “one of the most annoying things about the c-section is […]
Ode to Instacart

I started with Instacart when it only offered two stores and I was pregnant. I was looking at the budget one day and thought “that’s silly, I can go to the store.” I almost canceled it and then thought “well, maybe I’ll wait until after I have the baby. It might come in really handy […]
C-Section Recovery and Return to Exercise

Hey mama! So you had a c-section and want to recover in the best way possible, but are also anxious about getting back into working out and feeling more like yourself again? Here are 3 tips to effectively recover and return to exercise after a c-section, coming from a mama who has had three:) 1.TAKE […]