
Managing Health & Fitness as a Single, Working Mom

By Jess Carr, Director of MarketingThe MINT Prjct Before I got divorced in 2018, I had been in a pretty solid routine. My daughter was 4. We went to a gym that had childcare 5x/week, I had time to meal prep healthy meals, get in my steps, etc. That all kind of blew up in […]

Finding Time to Workout When You Have Little Kids

by Jess Carr A mom recently asked in our Facebook Group, “what are your “hacks” for getting in workouts when you have little kids?”. You may think I gave her some tips like “block your calendar”, “get up early”, “prioritize your time better”. Those are all definitely things we can think about, but as a […]

What Does It Mean to be Mom Strong?

As moms and women in general it is so important to be physically strong.  There are so many reasons to work on physical strength including; increased capability, bone, joint and muscular health, mental fortitude, maintaining independence while aging, decreased risk of falls, feeling and looking good and of course-an increased capacity to keep up with and care for our children.

Ode to Zoloft

by Betsy Jones My baby boy was 4 months old (after being born 6 weeks early and a scary NICU stay that made us unexpectedly freaked out about “germs”) when the COVID shut down happened.  We’d already had a very rocky start, which you can hear about on the podcast. We were just starting to […]

Making Mom Friends

by Betsy Jones Motherhood has taught me not only the importance of female friendships, but what exactly those mean. As a mom it can be so helpful to bounce ideas off of one another and finding a safe place to do that is crucial. I’m the first to prefer being alone, but there is a […]

Things I wish I could go back and tell myself: Postpartum Edition

by Jess Carr Early postpartum was really hard for me. We were in between homes, living with my parents (which ended up being a blessing in disguise), my spouse at the time went back to work immediately and worked long hours, my daughter was pretty colicky and didn’t sleep well, I had every issue you […]

Sacrificing Your Self Care as a Mom is Not a Badge of Honor

by Cara Forrester When I was pregnant with my first baby I visited a friend toward the end of my third trimester.  While we were chatting she said something that has really bugged me since.  At the time I was working as a personal trainer and working out six times a week for an hour […]

Ode to Instacart

I started with Instacart when it only offered two stores and I was pregnant. I was looking at the budget one day and thought “that’s silly, I can go to the store.” I almost canceled it and then thought “well, maybe I’ll wait until after I have the baby. It might come in really handy […]